Friday, May 15, 2020

Essay on Causes and Effects of Teen Suicide - 599 Words

An average of 276,000 youngsters between the ages 15-25 years tries to kill themselves every year; 5000 succeed. The most common causes? Stress, bullying, failed relationships, abuse, and failures at studies. Teenage suicide is wrong, it indicates how ruthless today’s society is, and it proves that sometimes, teenagers feel like they can’t be understood or accepted, that they don’t have an adult or close friend to consult to. Teenage suicide is truly sad, to even think that someone feels the absolute need to end their life because there seems to be no other answer, when in fact, there really is. More females than males attempt suicide, and most teenagers attempt or seriously think about suicide in their first two years of high school†¦show more content†¦I was scared she would hurt me or my mom or she would do it again. I told her that over and over again and no one listened to me. Caleigh ended up leaving home, and her mother, Mrs. Lane, found Sydney in her room, hung from the attic. This story was broadcasted on TV by America Now. Mrs. Lane ended up moving to a new home, and she is currently working with a non-profit organization called â€Å"Forever 4 Change†. This organization promotes suicide awareness and counseling. In the end, there is only so much we can do. There will always be bullying and there will always be those people who feel suicide is the only to escape. However, it doesn’t mean we can’t do anything. People can start more organizations to promote awareness, schools can get much stricter about bullying and mean acts, and kindness should be promoted. Students who have seriously thought or have attempted suicide should be provided with a physiatrist or counselor free of charge if they can’t afford one, and parents should pay more attention to their children’s activities. Students should be taught to be more open and accepting, and encouraged to make friends rather than enemies. Thi s will reduce any aggressive feelings between people, and hopefully reduce the chances of someone even thinking about suicide. Realistically, suicide is one in 5 of the leading deaths for teens. Awareness is not nearly as high as it should be and if more stories are shared, then it may prevent other tragic stories fromShow MoreRelatedThe Cause And Effect Of The Teen Suicide Essay1334 Words   |  6 PagesTeen suicide is a big problem all around the world, and we try to prevent it by offering help, and medications for whatever these teens are going through. What you may or may not know is that although we do offer help, these teens who are suicidal face negative criticism which sometimes pushes them to do something drastic. 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