Sunday, January 5, 2020

My First Day Of My Birthday - 1250 Words

Thinking back on an event or a day that I would entitle the best day of my life was more of a challenge because to me I feel I had so many, but there was this one day that kept haunting my brain, not letting me suppress it. The memory of my 16th birthday. Now I know you may wonder why I choose this particular day to be my top choice out my 17 years of life, but it was just something about this time that makes it different than any other ordinary day. It all started early morning on the twenty-sixth day of May 2016, when my mom came into my room and sung to me the â€Å"black version† of the birthday song. After, listening and laughing at her belt out her high notes for a song that is primarily sung in a low to medium†¦show more content†¦As I was observing my new phone, my eyes started to become full of tears of joy, because I was asking for this gift for the longest but she would never budge to buy it for me, not knowing she was just waiting for the perfect time to give to me. At this point my day could not get any better than this. Still yet, her work wasn’t done! She rushed me out of the house and drove two hours and 32 minutes to be exact towards our destination, Myrtle Beach. On our ride there we did your normal car dues such as karaoke where we would assign each other’s parts to sing, we even took pleasure at laughing at people’s facial expressions as they passed by. There wa s also a point when we participated in a stoplight race, which by the way was 100 percent safe, because we just wanted to see whose car had the fastest takeoff. Now that we were just an hour away from where we were going we stopped at a little corner store on the edge of Tuberville to gas up and buy some snacks since we were getting hungry. As I was walking towards the store with $30.00 in hand, I saw a little glare from the ground. Nearing the suspicious flash, I bent down and right beside the broken glass was $200.00Show MoreRelatedPre Teen Favorite Day Is My First Birthday Because You re Finally A Teenager997 Words   |  4 PagesEvery pre-teen favorite day is their 13th birthday because you’re finally a teenager. My 13th birthday was on September 11th 2010, but who knew just7 days later September 18th 2010 was going to be the day that changed my life significantly. Growing up an only child with a single mother you can image I was a little spoiled. My mother and father got divorced when I was between the ages of 3-4 years father stayed in Pensacola, Florida but after the divorce my mother and I moved to Atlanta Ge orgiaRead MoreThe Birthday I ll Never Forget916 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å" The Birthday I’ll Never Forget† I remember the time on my birthday when I thought I wasn’t going to have a great birthday. Which was no surprise to me because I was use to being disappointed on this day. 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