Tuesday, October 15, 2019

An Ethical Dilemma for a professional Nurse Research Paper

An Ethical Dilemma for a professional Nurse - Research Paper Example Mrs. A. played the role Sherwin (1992), postulated she would when facing similar troubling ethical issue, in that she displayed an emphatic form of reasoning which propel her to seek an innovative way out of the problem, so that both parties benefit. She chose not to have the child in order to please her husband, who she believed deserve the promotion, so that in the end she is happy that he is happy. They achieved what Oberle and Bouchal (2009) called mutuality, in that both receive benefits, but this was at the expense of the unborn child, the wishes of their parents and the nurse administering support to them. The expulsion or removal of the fetus from the womb of a woman or abortion has been the subject of discussion for thousands of years, especially with regard to its ethicality, and has culminated into a divide where many professes to be either pro life or pro-choice, depending on the type of moral lens they are wearing, a significant percentage of the population be hold the m iddle ground or neutral status, sometimes for political reasons. Abortion has become a troubling moral issue in the lives of people especially in America, despite the (Rowe vs. Wade 1973) landmark ruling which have women the option to be pro-choice, because of the role of members of the American Medical Association has played in the early years according to The National Abortion Federation (2011). The organization sought to lobby the government to make the practice illegal. They achieved what Oberle and Bouchal.

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