Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Evaluation and Critique Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Evaluation and Critique - Research Paper Example The Montana edges an unidentified foreign object (UFO), which causes the submarine to stall as it malfunctions and sinks (The Abyss). In the meantime, media reports attribute the sinking of the Montana to a Soviet attack. The US military arrives at the location above the sinking, which happens to be near communist Cuba. Other vessels arriving in the area are believed to be Soviet spies. The US military dispatches group of SEAL officers to occupy an underwater exploration site with the intention of rescuing nuclear warheads carried by the Montana and to ensure that the ship is out of the Soviets’ reach. Tensions are building throughout, highlighting US-Soviet Cold War tensions, the dangers of environmental and nuclear damages as it becomes clear that a hurricane is fast approaching and could heighten the risk of a catastrophe. All the while SEAL officers dispatched below are showing signs of the ill-effects of the pressure associated with being under water (The Abyss). The alie n encounter is perhaps more telling as it brings the preceding themes of political tensions to a head and underscores the dangers of capitalism, both of which are the hallmarks of postmodernism thought. The aliens come into contact with SEAL lieutenant and shows him video images depicting past, present and future damages caused by mankind. The underlying message is man’s greed and mismanagement have led to self-destructive behaviour. Images of tsunamis, nuclear explosions and even the Vietnam War (The Abyss). As Simpson explains, Cameron’s approach in The Abyss distinguishes it from other futuristic science fiction film. A majority of this genre predicts disaster at some time in the future or presents a disaster and focuses on who will come out alive. The Abyss however, draws attention to past disasters, disasters in the present and predicts disaster in the future and in doing so attributes this to man’s own behaviour (Simpson). In line with postmodern thought, The Abyss focuses on post-war behaviour which has set up a series of bad and destructive behaviour fuelled by political tensions and capitalist greed (Forsyth). The narrative in The Abyss does not directly comment on capitalism, but it is inferred from the underlying political tensions and the technological progression that is a part of the destruction of the environment. The film’s narrative is more direct in its political commentary. The alien encounter represents a confrontation in which the SEAL lieutenant is able to see the damages caused by post-war political tensions from the perspective of an outsider. The underlying message is that this behaviour is counterproductive and will only grow worse with time and the results will be catastrophic. Postmodernism is about commandeering positive change, by highlighting flawed ideology and its corresponding behaviour (Forsyth). In this regard, the alien encounter in The Abyss serves as a soul searching exercise and a moment of re cognition. The underlying question for the viewer is whether or not the capitalist ideology is more sophisticated than the Communist ideology. After all, the capitalist structure shares equal responsibility for the stockpiling of nuclear weapons, and is arguably more responsible for environmental damages that contribute to and heighten the risk of natural disasters such as tsunamis and hurricanes. The postmodern message in The Abyss is therefore that the world is divided into two factions: man against nature as opposed

Monday, October 28, 2019

Effect of Unethical Behavior Essay Example for Free

Effect of Unethical Behavior Essay The Securities and Exchange Commission was created in 1934 to police the U. S. financial markets. Today, the Securities and Exchange Commission continues to create legislation tightening reporting standards and providing more transparency. Unfortunately, increasing standards often comes after a failure of the system. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 is a primary example of legislation following financial market failure. Sarbanes-Oxley influenced public businesses through transformation of the financial system. The July 2002 enactment of the Sarbanes Oxley Act, co-authored by U. S. Sen. Paul Sarbanes of Maryland and U. Â  S. Rep. Michael Oxley of Ohio, followed a series of large public company failures that included Enron, Tyco and WorldCom. Sarbanes-Oxley addressed investor confidence and fraud through reform of the public company reporting standards. However, much damage in the market occurred with the collapse of several major companies between 2002 and 2004. (smallbusiness. chron. com). The impact of unethical behavior is known by many companies, and have done damage to individuals, and businesses as well. The results of unethical behavior on a large scale would be the Enron, Tyco, and Global Crossing, or WorldCom. Greediness led to accounting unethical promises, and with that certain individuals became the ones who had told on their companies. Falsifying financial reports is dishonest and unethical because the financial records are supposed to show financial results of a business, and how it is growing. When accountants or managers lie about the revenue and cash flow it misleads prospective investors, stockholders, employees, and the U. S. government. So many billions of dollars have been hidden in the paperwork, and financial statements. If I had found inconsistencies in the financial statements where I worked I would have to go through the chain of command to let them know of what I have found and if there was nothing done then I would then think about going outside to tell someone so I could cover myself. Unethical behavior led to the end of Enron, and the other companies, and to financial issues for many individuals all over the United States. As a result of the unethical behavior of several companies there is now the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. All companies, must comply with the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act set guidelines for ethical accounting practices.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Social Phenomena Essay -- Functionalist and Interactionist Perspective

Over time, three main theories have developed to explain social phenomena. While each theory has significant differences, there are points of each one that can help shed light on how society works. While some theories attempt to explain our social reality based on how each part of a society works together, other theories focus on the conflicts in the society, or the interaction between individuals in a society (Kendall, 23). The three classic theories of sociology include the functionalist perspective, conflict perspective, and symbolic interactionist perspective. The functionalist perspective aims to explain sociological phenomena based on the belief that our society is a balanced system that depends on each part of the group to work together in order to survive. Most people in the group share that same morals and ethics. This varies greatly from the perspective of conflict theorists, who believe that each part of society is constantly in a struggle. One of the key figures in developing the conflict perspective was C. Wright Mills. He believed that crucial decisions in the United States are mainly made by people in private, known as the â€Å"power elite† (Kendall, 26). This means that decisions made in this country are typically made by top bureaucrats and politicians. The conflict perspective does not say that society is a system that is based on the functions of each part like the functionalist perspective states; rather, each part is constantly in a â€Å"power struggle† (Kendall, 25). Both of these perspectives focus on the larger aspect of society, also known as macrolevel analysis. The symbolic interactionist perspective is based on microlevel analysis, which means that it focuses on smaller groups and individuals instead of larg... ...uing questions and insights for the future. Our interactions with others play a large role in developing our society. The symbolic perspective does not believe in reality as we believe it; rather we create our own values through interaction with others. It also helps shed light on how new cultures and customs become accepted into a society. For instance, the pià ±ata was once used in China, and it is now something used during celebrations in various cultures (Kendall, 85). This shows how one society can adopt the symbols of another and take them as their own. When we combine these perspectives and focus on our interactions with one another, what function we each play in the society, and take into account the power struggles that occur, we gain a better understanding of society as a whole. Each of these theories helps explain different aspects of our social reality.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Research Paper on the Effects of Mass Media on the Perfect Body Image

How can you determine what body image should be? The desire for the perfect body has been prevalent throughout society for a vast majority of time. What makes teenage girls feel the need to strive for this â€Å"perfect body†? Some have asked, â€Å"†¦a rapidly growing body of research addresses the question of whether body perfect ideals in the mass media are a core risk factor for negative body image, particularly in women† (Dittmar, Helga) My hypothesis is â€Å"Does the media influence adolescent girl’s weight concerns and their perceptions of body weight and shape? The media in many aspects controls the way that people see themselves and the way they do things. So with teenagers striving to look like what they see in the media some of them go through drastic means to achieve these looks.â€Å"The role of mass media influences and parental marital status in the onset of eating disorders. In particular, teenagers tend to be the main target of trying to look like this image. † (Irala-Estevez, Martinez-Gonzalez, Lahortiga, Alonso, Cervera, Gual) Eating disorders is a major medical problem that most teens face. Among girls, eating disorders symptoms were directly affected by sociocultural influences, in particular media influences†(Rodgers, Paxton, Chabrol). If the media keeps influencing how teenagers see themselves it can not only damage their life but their families. The Health Information Network as done research on diets has shown â€Å"Anorexia is the Number one killer of teenage girls and in total more than 90% of those with eating disorders are adolescent young women.In many girls, the problems appear to set in from a very early age and is caused by peer pressure and exposure to media advertising† Does media have a major influence in the way teens look at themselves? â€Å"Media causes body dissatisfactions since they are the ones who define this perfect body. † ( Furnham, Greaves) I will test whethe r different outlets of media from T. V advertisements and shows, magazines, and street ads have a strong influence on how teenage girls look at themselves.Also to what measures will they go to, to achieve the perfect body that they see in the media. In this ever changing society the perfect body has had many different definitions. â€Å"This ideal standard of beauty is conveyed to individuals via a number of sources including family, peers and the mass media. † (Hargreaves) There has been other research down to measure the influence media has on the perception of the perfect body image. A study was done by psychologists with individuals from Fiji where there was little edia influence. Their results showed that, â€Å"Key indicators of disordered eating were significantly more prevalent following exposure. Narrative data revealed subjects' interest in weight loss as a means of modeling themselves after television characters. † (Becker) After being exposed to American TV shows there was a huge change in body image. Not only with T. V shows but as well as magazines have a great influence on body perception.One researcher as shown the relationship between magazines and body image, from the Department of Medicine from Harvard Medical School they concluded â€Å"There was a positive linear association between the frequency of reading women's magazines and the prevalence of having dieted to lose weight because of a magazine article, initiating an exercise program because of a magazine article, wanting to lose weight because of pictures in magazines, and feeling that pictures in magazines influence their idea of the perfect body shape. With my research, this type of study would hard to replicate because it’s impractical to find a somewhere in the United States that has no or little media influence. The ideal woman and man portrayed in the media practically do not exist.It sets up images that fool viewers and readers to think that there are actual ly people that look like models. â€Å"The average American woman weighs 140 pounds and is 5’4† tall, reports Eating Disorders and Prevention, Inc. In contrast, the typical model is 5’11† and weighs 117 pounds. That makes the model thinner than 98 percent of American women. (Strahan) This makes young people have enormous pressures and when they can’t measure up to this image prevailed by the media, their self-esteem suffers. So in my research I will test girls from the ages of 13-19 from high school and college. I will give them surveys that will ask how much media they are exposed to. With questions that see if they are watching TV shows like 90210, or Melrose Place and magazines such as Seventeen, and Cosmopolitan. Then the girls can then be split into two groups; Group 1 with the girls that are exposed to little forms of media, and Group 2 with girls that are exposed to many forms of media.They then will be given another survey that will ask how much they weigh, how they see themselves, and what type of body image they desire. Body-image is being measured by the â€Å"conceptualized as a multidimensional construct that represents how individuals think, feel, and behave with regard to their own physical attributes† (Morrison , Kalin) If Group1, the group with little exposure to media, has a normal body perception and doesn’t desire a skinnier body image in contrast to Group 2. Where Group 2, the group an immense exposure to media, has poor body perceptions and desires a skinner body.The conclusion then can be made that the amount of media exposure has an influence on body image and perception. There are many challenges that can come up during research on the â€Å"perfect body† image. Some teenage girls might show a change in how they view themselves during the course of the experiment. But it may not be because of media influence but maybe their peers influenced them or their culture demands for a certa in body image. â€Å"Both peers and popular culture, independent of each other, exert influence on girls' weight control beliefs and behaviors. (Field, Camargo, Taylor, Berkey, Colditz) If we come to the conclusion that media indeed has a great influence on body perception; how are we going to try to fix the damage media causes on many individuals? Why not media? â€Å"Social activism and social marketing approaches are suggested as methods for fighting negative media messages. The media itself is one potential vehicle for communicating productive, accurate, and deglamorized messages about eating and shape-related disorders. † (Thompson, Heinberg) If media has such a great influence on creating negative body image, we can use media to create a positive body image.With media showing normal body image it might help teenage girls feel less pressured to desire an unhealthy body image. Therefore, over time it will become clearer as to whether actions will be taken against the med ia in order to end teenagers from trying to achieve the perfect body. Teenagers need to see that being different is good and the media is only brainwashing them to be like everyone else. Hopefully with more research done to show the great effects media has on teen’s body perception and the measures they go to, to obtain that perfect body image.Media will stop putting out such a negative body image, and more of a natural, average body image.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Teaching as a profession has changed drastically

This is besides a timely issue in southern Florida since one of its school territory ‘s gained national attending late because parents used a societal computing machine web forum to develop the group TINT ( Testing is Not Teaching ) . This grassroots organisation was started by parents who felt that their kids were being overly tested in the public school system. The parents were joined by instructors and pupils and used the societal web to form protests and mass meetings. Two of the groups purposes were to hold the CAO ( Chief Academic Officer ) removed from his place, along with the Superintendent who hired him. The group felt that the CAO was passing out a â€Å" written plan † , particularly in reading, that all instructors were mandated to follow. This plan was designed to increase trial tonss on the FCAT ( Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test ) , given to all pupils in classs 3 through 10. In the terminal both the CAO and Superintendent resigned and TINT is now cl osely watching local and national developments in instruction. In this epoch of high bets proving, territories, schools and instructors depend on the success of their pupils ‘ success on standardised trials. These trials are correlated with national and province criterions and are farther broken down by benchmarks. These benchmarks provide the guidelines for the content instructors cover during the school twelvemonth. Research has shown that effectual instructors participate in the planning and implementing of the course of study but the authorizations from the Federal, province, and local authoritiess take the ownership of learning off and replace it with a course of study that is out of their control. This instance survey will look at the effects of the high-stakes testing motion on single instructors and analyze the functions and duties these instructors believe they have in fixing their pupils for the high-stakes testing. This instance survey was designed to analyze the relationship between the execution of increased high bets proving and teacher efficaciousness and to reply the inquiry do teacher believe they have a function or any duty in determining instructional schemes in fixing their pupils for taking high bets trials? The focal point was on analyzing what educational patterns are working to increase instructor efficaciousness with province mandated standardised testing and looking at schools which have implemented successful plans to help instructors. Three instructors will be interviewed to determine their position in determining instructional schemes within their school that prepare their pupils for the province mandated trials. This qualitative research designed instance survey will interview three instructors in public schools in a territory in South Florida. The interview inquiries will be predetermined and the topics will hold the chance to read these inquiries before being interviewed. There will be four inquiries for each one to reply. These inquiries will be developed by the interviewer and concentrate on the instructor ‘s function sing high bets proving and if it has changed their instruction patterns. They will besides be asked what function they have in their peculiar school in determining instructional schemes for their pupils to win on these trials. The interviewer will both transcribe and tape all the interviews and after the written text is complete it will be given to the instructors for their reappraisal.History of testing:The construct of aptitude testing was introduced during World War II as a method of happening the best and most intelligent soldiers for the United States military, ( Schmidt 2008 ) . In the old ages after the war these trials became incorporated into the American society as a manner to happen persons with superior scholarly capablenesss. The SAT was adapted from Yerkes ‘ trials for the military and was used by colleges and universities as one factor in finding admittances to their installations. By the 1960 ‘s SAT scores began to worsen, raising political and public concerns about the quality of the state ‘s educational system. Before this diminution, many Americans held a positive position of public instruction in the United States. American instruction was thought to both work out society ‘s jobs and besides endeavor to include pupils from diverse backgrounds, ( West & A ; Peterson, 2003, p. 4, as cited in Schmidt, 2008 ) . After publication of the diminution in trial tonss, many Americans became concerned with the province of the American educational system. The standardised testing motion is the consequence of the a series of jurisprudence ‘ passed by the state ‘s Presidents, climaxing in 2001 with the transition of No Child Left Behind ( NCLB ) , by so president George W. Bush. The authorizations of NCLB have proved to be controversial although basic end was â€Å" aˆÂ ¦to create an inducement for pedagogues to guarantee that no one pupil, or group of pupils, is left behind in their reading, linguistic communication, and mathematics abilities † . NCLB had legion demands that provinces and school territories had to follow in order to have federal support. The foundation of the NCLB jurisprudence is that provinces must make AYP ( Annual Yearly Progress ) each twelvemonth. The jurisprudence specified that every province â€Å" aˆÂ ¦must develop, and incorporate into their course of study, a standards-based answerability plan that demonstrates student proficiency degrees in the nucleus capable countries of rea ding, linguistic communication humanistic disciplines, and mathematics † ( Schmidt, 2008 ) . These proficiency degrees are measured by standardised trials given to all pupils one time a twelvemonth and these trials had to be approved by the Department of Education prior to being given ( Abernathy, 2007, p.5 ; Sunderman et. al. , 2005, p. 5 ) . By carry oning one-year testing, territories can closely supervise the advancement, or deficiency thereof, of pupils. No Child Left Behind was the latest reproduction of President Lyndon Johnson ‘s reform of educational reorganisation known as the ESEA ( Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 ) . Both steps stressed the thought that public instruction â€Å" aˆÂ ¦requires a federal presence to guarantee academic advancement and academic equality for all pupils † . Schmidt ( 2008 ) Since the ESEA was passed at that place have been alterations made to its base, with the latest being No Child Left Behind ( NCLB ) The federal authorities has played an of import function in altering public instruction in the United States, the motive for these alterations in public schools were motivated because of concerns for America ‘s worsening trial tonss. The two chief drifts for alteration were worsening trial tonss on the Scholastic Aptitude Test ( SAT ) and the publication of A State At Risk by Terrance Bell. Three of import causes were named in the passing of the ESEA statute law. The first was the worsening public presentation of pupils on the SAT test. The second was studies conducted during this clip that repeatedly placed the United States in the lowest percentile of overall academic accomplishment when compared with foreign educational systems, ( West & A ; Peterson, 2003, pp. 4-5 ; Nichols & A ; Berliner, 2007, p. 4 ) . The 3rd factor was the relentless accomplishment spread that separated minorities and low-income pupils ‘ tonss from kids who came from a more affluent background. ( Nichols & A ; Berliner, 2007 ; p.4. & A ; Kantor, 1991, p. 51 ) . A State at Risk was published 18 old ages after the transition of the ESEA and was written by so Secretary of Education, Terrence Bell â€Å" Nation at Risk: The Imperative for Education Reform in America ( West & A ; Peterson, 2003 p. 5 ; Berry, 1993, p. 215 ) . This study focused on the United States ‘ low academic accomplishment in malice of the federal authorities ‘s focal point on bettering pupil public presentation in public schools when the ESEA was passed. The study stated that, â€Å" aˆÂ ¦the educational foundations of our society are soon being eroded by a lifting tide of averageness that threatens our really future as a State and a people † ( Bell, 1983 ) . Furthermore, the United States achieved a low academic rank when compared to other states and the authors of the study believed that America ‘s educational system was in demand of a drastic reform. The publication radius of a series of reforms that the writers believed would â€Å" aˆÂ ¦reverse the downward spiral of an unequal educational system, ( Schmidt, 2008 ) . The reforms included parental and community engagement at local schools, engaging instructors with advanced grades who were more motivated to learn, and a higher degree of engagement from all degrees of authorities. Although this publication did non excite any alterations on the federal degree, it still remained an of import factor in American public instruction. In 1994, so President Clinton passed a reauthorization of the ESEA called Goals 2000. This federal reform plan was ambitious in nature since it provided pecuniary inducements for public schools that implemented annually proving to demo student advancement towards proficiency, ( West & A ; Peterson, 2003, p.7 ) . This plan provided Title 1 schools with â€Å" aˆÂ ¦federal support â€Å" for developing ‘local reformsaˆÂ ¦the developme nt of standardsaˆÂ ¦enhanced professional development, bettering in engineering, and alterations in administration for answerability † † with the end of increasing pupil public presentation in the aˆÂ ¦ † nucleus capable countries such as, reading and mathematics ( Fuhrman, 1994, p. 84 ) . Goals 2000 laid the basis for NCLB. It was during this clip that the term â€Å" answerability † became of import since it was used as an inducement for provinces to get federal financess. This thought was added to NCLB, but President Busch extended the significance by doing the relationship stronger between the federal, province, and local bureaus. Although the answerability measures set Forth by NCLB have proved to be controversial, its basic end of the Act was â€Å" aˆÂ ¦to create an inducement for pedagogues to guarantee that no one pupil, or group of pupils, is left behind in their reading, linguistic communication, and mathematics abilities † . NCLB had legion demands that provinces and school territories had to follow in order to have federal support. The foundation of the NCLB jurisprudence is that provinces must make AYP ( Annual Yearly Progress ) each twelvemonth. The jurisprudence specified that every province â€Å" aˆÂ ¦must develop, and incorporate into their course of study, a standards-based answerability plan that demonstrates student proficiency degrees in the nucleus capable countries of reading, linguistic communication humanistic disciplines, and mathematics † ( Schmidt, 2008 ) . These proficiency degrees are measured by standardised trials given to all pupils one time a twelvemonth and these trials had to be approved by the Department of Education prior to being given ( Abernathy, 2007, p.5 ; Sunderman et. al. , 2005, p. 5 ) . By carry oning one-year testing, territories can closely supervise the advancement, or deficiency thereof, of pupils. The standards-based instruction reform and answerability motion started in the mid-1980s and raised outlooks of public presentation for U.S. schools ( Buttram & A ; Waters, 1997 ) . The province of Florida took the enterprise to better K-12 instruction and so Governor Jeb Bush instituted the A+ Plan in 1999. This program was created as a standards-based answerability system, concentrating on bettering the public presentation of all pupils, irrespective of their ethnicity, gender, poorness degrees, native linguistic communication or disablement position. The chief premiss of the A+ Plan was that â€Å" every kid can larn and no kid should be left behind † ( Executive Office of the Governor, nd. ) . A brief reappraisal of the literature found a clear division between research workers who found that standardised trials are good vs. those who believe these trials are damaging to education as a whole. Many writers began their Hagiographas by depicting the necessity of standardised testing in today ‘s schools. Bandalos ( 06 ) explained the demand for standardised testing within educational scenes today since these high-stakes trials are the method in which pupil acquisition is assessed and continuously evaluated by instructors, principals, and school territories. Bandalos besides stated that acquisition is the end in all of instruction and the function of appraisal is to assist professionals understand the degree of larning pupils have achieved. Hammeran ( 10 ) besides felt that it was possible to â€Å" learn to the trial † while still covering the of import course of study for a category. This writer studied learning a scientific discipline plan that was aligned to the National Science Education Standards ( NSES ) . She wrote that since the province criterions reflect the national criterions, and standardised trials reflect both the province and national criterions, so concentrating on learning to the trial would guarantee that pupils were having the of import content in scientific discipline category. The significance of the job is clearly discussed The significance of the inquiry of instructor beliefs in their function in determining instructional schemes to fix their pupils for proving is a timely one in the province of Florida. Performance-based appraisal is now compulsory in many schoolrooms but instructors and parents have become concerned about the genuineness of these appraisals and how assessment information can be used as formative feedback to better instruction and acquisition. Although these newer attacks are driven by a motive to do pupil appraisal informations more utile and meaningful than some traditional attacks this alteration was viewed as a positive progress by some research workers while others felt that it was hard to judge the theoretical benefits of these alterations or to get down to consistently research the nature of instructors ‘ schoolroom appraisal patterns. This trouble arises because research workers, protagonists, and specializers in school territories in the state have non arrived at a cons istent definition of what these footings mean or what these patterns look like ( Frey & A ; Schmitt, 2007 ) . Coming to Footings With Classroom Assessment 2007 Bruce B. Frey-University of Kansas, Vicki L. Schmitt-Missouri State University Those who advocate for â€Å" aˆÂ ¦test-based accountabilityaˆÂ ¦ † argue that it increases pupil success by helping instructors to set more accent on the of import content in their capable country, provides wagess for good instruction, and produces informations that is used to do determinations about pupils, instructors, and schools. For such systems to work every bit intended, the policies must advance good direction, and any resulting additions in trial tonss must back up valid illations about increased pupil accomplishment. Research has shown that high-stakes testing does so act upon direction, but these effects are complex and consist both desirable and unwanted alterations in pattern. For illustration, instructors in territories or provinces where high bets are associated with trial consequences tend to concentrate on tried stuff and de-emphasize unseasoned stuff ( see Stecher, 2002 ) . Similarly, research indicates that the additions in tonss on high-stakes trials frequently generalize ill ( or non at all ) to other trials of the same sphere, raising uncertainties about the extent to which these additions provide valid grounds of improved pupil public presentation ( Klein, Hamilton, McCaffrey, & A ; Stecher, 2000 ; Koretz & A ; Barron, 1998 ; Koretz, Linn, Dunbar, & A ; Shepard, 1991 ; Linn, 2000 ) . The literature on high bets proving is clear sing the history and development of these trials and how they are being implemented in school territories today. Conversely, the literature is divided into two factions-authors who believe that standardised testing is a good step of pupil acquisition and instruction, and writers who feel that high-stakes proving is a negative influence for instructors and pupils. The function that instructors believe they play in implementing in determining instructional schemes to fix pupils for proving is non a topic that has much coverage in the literature, but the branchings of † learning to the trial † is covered. The research inquiry is designed to understand the function instructors feel they play in determining instructional schemes to guarantee that their pupils achieve success on these compulsory province and authorities needed trials. These are the trials that they themselves are held accountable for the consequences by their schools and territories. If instructors feel they have no function in determining the direction for their ain pupils so for them it will be a affair of â€Å" learning to the trial † . If, on the other manus, they feel in control of direction the term â€Å" teacher efficaciousness † will be applicable to these instructors. Teacher self-efficacy refers to a instructor ‘s belief about his or her competency in holding a positive consequence on pupil larning accomplishment, Ashton, 1984 as cited in Denzilel, 2005. Prior research conducted in the field indicates that teacher self-efficacy is related to a instructor ‘s success in curriculum invention ( Berman & A ; McLaughlin, 1977 ) , beliefs about pupils ‘ capablenesss ( Ashton, 1984 ) and intelligence ( Klein, 1996 ) , quality of pupil relationships ( Ashton & A ; Webb, 1986 ) , assurance in working with parents ( Hoover- Dempsey, Bassler, & A ; Brissie, 1987 ) , clip spent on academic acquisition ( Allinder, 1995 ) , self-efficacy of low-achieving pupils ( Midgley, Feldlaufer, & A ; Eccles, 1989 ) , and the instructor ‘s ability to keep pupils accountable for their acquisition and public presentation ( Ashton & A ; Webb, 1986 ) . In the original Rand surveies, teacher self-efficacy was measured by inquiring two inquiries: ( a ) ‘When it comes right down to it, a instructor truly ca n't make much because most of a pupil ‘s motive and public presentation depends on his or her place environment ‘ , and ( B ) ‘If I try truly difficult, I can acquire through to even the most hard or unmotivated pupils ‘ . The first inquiry was hypothesized to measure instructors ‘ result outlooks, typically labeled learning efficaciousness ( TE ) . In contrast, the 2nd point was hypothesized to reflect personal instruction efficaciousness ( PE ) . From this position, TE relates to a instructor ‘s outcome outlooks and PE is based on the instructor ‘s judgements of his or her personal ability to act upon pupil acquisition. Early Rand research workers grounded teacher self-efficacy in Rotter ‘s ( 1966 ) venue of control concept and placed important accent on outcome outlooks and p ersonal duty when construing efficaciousness tonss. Later, Ashton and Webb aligned the concept with a societal cognitive theoretical position of self-efficacy ( 1977, 1978 ) . In contrast to the venue of control position, the social-cognitive attack emphasizes the dealingss between efficaciousness beliefs and outcome outlooks. Harmonizing to Bandura, result and efficaciousness beliefs are related but can be conceptually and through empirical observation differentiated ( 1986, 1997 ) . For Ashton and Webb, TE and PE represent steps of result outlooks and efficaciousness outlooks, severally. Teacher efficaciousness can be affected by the function they play in fixing pupils for mandated standardised trials. Author Kenneth Vogler ( 2006 ) stated in his article that in the past instructors were merely accountable to their decision makers and local school boards. It was those local boards that developed the course of study every bit good as the criterions for their school system. Now, instructors, every bit good as decision makers, are being held accountable to the populace for the academic public presentation of pupils in their charge. Standardized testing is a world in south Florida and that fact is non altering in the foreseeable hereafter. Students, parents, and instructors have mobilized to alter the importance and weight of these trials, but there is still â€Å" FCAT blackout † where no schools are allowed to take field trips, no personal yearss are given to instructors, and no conferences are held by the territory. After the blackout comes â€Å" FCAT season † where schools are on practical lock-down until all the testing is complete. From personal experience, instructors are ranked by the additions their pupils made, particularly in reading, math, and scientific discipline. When the CAO was in office, each instructor received a â€Å" book † to be completed that twenty-four hours. Sometimes the day-to-day book was 15 pages or longer. All of the control was taken away with respect to instructional schemes and learning to the trial began on the first twenty-four hours of school. The resea rch says that this focussed instruction can be positive or negative. The focal point of this survey is to inquire instructors if they fell they have control fixing their pupils for these high-stakes trials and to analyze what works in their readying and which countries they feel they have no control in direction. The consequences will be good to both the school and territory as we struggle to equilibrate the ends set Forth by the authorities with our pupil ‘s single demands. Teachers ‘ RESPONSES TO HIGH-STAKES TESTING AND THE VALIDITY OF GAINS: A PILOT STUDY. Daniel M. Koretz CRESST/Harvard Graduate School of Education Laura S. Hamilton CRESST/RAND Education Coming to Footings With Classroom Assessment 2007 Bruce B. Frey-University of Kansas, Vicki L. Schmitt-Missouri State University British Journal of Educational Psychology ( 2005 ) , 75, 689-708, 2005 The British Psychological Society Confirmatory factor analysis of the Teacher Efficacy Scale for prospective instructors. Gypsy M. Denzine1* , John B. Cooney2 and Rita McKenzie3 1Northern Arizona University, USA 2University of Northern Colorado, USA 3Buena Vista University, USA

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Internal Analysis

1. Mission and Objectives The Revlon Company’s goal is to provide glamour, excitement and innovation to consumers through high quality products at affordable prices. Lately the company has been experiencing many challenges to their success. Some of these challenges are global economic problems, increasing competition, and debt concerns from within the company. Despite all of these challenges Revlon has seen some strong growth but have also been experiencing some strong challenges. Revlon has many different categories of which it sells products and they are skincare, cosmetics, personal care, fragrance, and professional products. Revlon has many recognizable names within these categories and the company’s ultimate goal is to emerge as the dominate cosmetics and personal care firm through the twenty-first century. 2. Current Corporate and Business Strategies A. Corporate Strategies Revlon’s believe is in individual values and the integrity of the firm and its actions. The company established a strong team of experienced managers that work to achieve leadership in the cosmetics and skincare industry. The company established the Revlon Learning Center and training programs to communicate its principles to employees. This helps ensure the company’s teamwork approach stays effective I. Concentration / Related or Conglomerate Strategy Revlon has a related strategy in that all of its businesses are not the same but are all towards personal care or cosmetics. Revlon has products in theses business categories: cosmetics, skincare, fragrances, personal care products, and profession products. II. International Strategy Revlon is prominate in many foreign markets which include China, Spain, Mexico, Ireland, Venezuela, New Zealand, Brazil, Argentina, Italy, Russia, South Africa, and France. In 1999 Revlon’s foreign sales were a little more than forty-three percent of their total sales. Revlon’s foreign Net Sa... Free Essays on Internal Analysis Free Essays on Internal Analysis 1. Mission and Objectives The Revlon Company’s goal is to provide glamour, excitement and innovation to consumers through high quality products at affordable prices. Lately the company has been experiencing many challenges to their success. Some of these challenges are global economic problems, increasing competition, and debt concerns from within the company. Despite all of these challenges Revlon has seen some strong growth but have also been experiencing some strong challenges. Revlon has many different categories of which it sells products and they are skincare, cosmetics, personal care, fragrance, and professional products. Revlon has many recognizable names within these categories and the company’s ultimate goal is to emerge as the dominate cosmetics and personal care firm through the twenty-first century. 2. Current Corporate and Business Strategies A. Corporate Strategies Revlon’s believe is in individual values and the integrity of the firm and its actions. The company established a strong team of experienced managers that work to achieve leadership in the cosmetics and skincare industry. The company established the Revlon Learning Center and training programs to communicate its principles to employees. This helps ensure the company’s teamwork approach stays effective I. Concentration / Related or Conglomerate Strategy Revlon has a related strategy in that all of its businesses are not the same but are all towards personal care or cosmetics. Revlon has products in theses business categories: cosmetics, skincare, fragrances, personal care products, and profession products. II. International Strategy Revlon is prominate in many foreign markets which include China, Spain, Mexico, Ireland, Venezuela, New Zealand, Brazil, Argentina, Italy, Russia, South Africa, and France. In 1999 Revlon’s foreign sales were a little more than forty-three percent of their total sales. Revlon’s foreign Net Sa...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Love Quotes From One Tree Hill

Love Quotes From One Tree Hill As these love quotes from the WB television series One Tree Hill attest, the characters are connected to each other by unbreakable threads of love. They fight and even get separated, but they are never far from each others thoughts. From Nathan and Haley to Karen, Lucas, and Dan, to the triangle formed by Brooke, Lucas, and Peyton, love links them all. These love quotes from One Tree Hill are like soulful music to a lovelorn heart: Brooke I wanted you to fight for me! I wanted you to say there is no one else that you could ever be with and that you would rather be alone than without me. I wanted the Lucas Scott from the beach that night; telling the world that hes the one for me. Karen I know youre searching for things, Lucas. And I hope with all my heart that you find the answers to your questions. But the answers that youre looking for are closer than you think. Theyre in your heart. And in the hearts of those who love you. Nathan You love this girl. And even if you catch pneumonia, your ass is gonna stay out here in the rain until you convince her to forgive you. Peyton At this moment there are 6,470,818,671 people in the world. Some are running scared. Some are coming home. Some tell lies to make it through the day. Others are just not facing the truth. Some are evil men, at war with good. And some are good, struggling with evil. Six billion people in the world, six billion souls. And sometimes... all you need is one. Peyton Dont laugh... but anytime I have a dream about my mom or Ellie, I like to think its their way of contacting me from the other side. Like dreams are emails for ghosts, and its their way of sending me a message. Nathan And if you’re lucky, if you’re the luckiest person on this entire planet, the person you love decides to love you back. Peyton I read a poem once... about a girl who had a crush on a guy who died. She imagined him up in heaven with all the beautiful angels... and she was jealous. Ellie is gone. I imagine her with all the badass angels now. Hanging out with them in their black leather jackets, causing trouble. But Im not jealous. I just... miss her. Peyton Imagine a future moment in your life where all your dreams come true. You know its the greatest moment of your life and you get to experience it with one person. Whos standing next to you? Peyton Losing your hearts desire is tragic, but gaining your hearts desire is all you can wish for. So if thats tragic, then give me tragedy! Rachel OK, let me get this straight. You dont have feelings for Lucas anymore, Peyton does, but shes willing to hide those feelings if you asked her to. Sounds like a pretty great friend to me.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

8 most attractive universities for students and great destinations for tourists

8 most attractive universities for students and great destinations for tourists 8 Most Beautiful Places to Go to Graduate School Where to go to graduate school? If you are asking this question and reviewing opportunities where to go as a grad student, this article will give you plenty of ideas. We decided to discover most beautiful universities that do not only offer an interesting and useful study process but look amazing. The universities we are going to tell you about have an awesome look and provide students a wonderful surrounding area to enjoy free time from studying. Top most wonderful universities to graduate school 8. University of Colorado, Boulder The university is based at the Rocky Mountains and was built in 1876. The place has a dry and warm climate, which you will be able to enjoy by biking and hiking. You can definitely call this place green because of wonderful nature and historical buildings that surround the university. Boulder also has a local farmer’s market that runs from April to October and offers locals and students the freshest food. 7. Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA This lovely place with sunny days and awesome beaches is one of the favorite places for students and tourist who come here. A lot of people all over the world would live to set here and enjoy days by the blue water. Students who have a great opportunity to spend their college years here can swim, sunbathe, and surf all year round. 6. University of Washington, Seattle A beautiful place, however, with an oceanic climate and wet winters still deserves a place in the list of most attractive universities in the world. Here students have a lot of opportunities to develop culturally. The city is rich in music, arts, theaters, and museums. Also, the city is also famous for a delicious coffee. You will have a lot of space to walk around and enjoy unforgettable views. It is even hard to believe that some young people study here and walk those streets every day. 5. The University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT Five national parks, world-famous Salt Lake, warm summers and cool winters attract not only young people to enter The University of Utah, but tourist to spend a vacation here. From every point of the city, you can enjoy a wonderful view of Oquirrh mountain ranges. 4. University of Texas, San Antonio If you want to combine studying with exciting leisure, this place is number one. The city has a subtropical climate and provides a spectacular nightlife. However, the city has historical roots, it offers a lot of contemporary entertainments. There are a lot of places to visit around the university, such as Japanese Tea Gardens and National Park. 3. University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI If you are attracted by rainforests and islands, then you must come here. This place is number one when it comes to outdoor activities, such as biking, surfing, and paddling. It is only 3 miles from the university to a famous Waikiki Beach where you can fully enjoy sunbathing, tasting delicious food, and having fun at night. 2. Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA The university and the campus are located along the coastline that provides a breathtaking view on the Pacific Ocean. The climate here suits pretty everyone. It is warm and dry, so students and visitors of the city can enjoy various activities. In 2007, The Pepperdine University campus was rated number one in the list of most beautiful campuses all over the globe. 1. Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH The campus of this university is called one of the most awesome not because of nature here but numerous opportunities for students. Once you come here, you will be able to take pleasure in hiking, biking, and snowmobiling. The university is located along the Connecticut River and the White Mountain National Forest which are the places you must see. A remarkable architecture from 19th century adds charm to this nice city. Maybe this information will help with writing a paper for your school or college, so do not be shy to use it and get a high grade!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

MAF202 Money and Capital Markets Assignment T1 2012 Essay

MAF202 Money and Capital Markets Assignment T1 2012 - Essay Example Hence, there has been widening of spread between cash rate and the interest rates set by the major banks. Banks have argued to such anomaly by mentioning that the rising costs of funds have led them to take such decisions. Since the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), banks have relied more on debt funding which are expensive sources of fund than equity and others. If we look at the recent global economic scenario, it can be found that the euro-zone crisis situation is still unresolved, and economic growth rate is expected to slowdown in 2012. There have been no rate cuts by the central bank of UK since 2009. In India recently there have been rate cuts by Reserve Bank of India and banks have started responding to it positively. Central bank of China follows a tightly regulated monetary policy and is expected to have rate cuts in 2012. Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) is the central bank of Australia established in the year 2006. Its principal task is to control and regulate the monetary policy of Australia (Reserve Bank of Australia, 2012a). RBA uses cash rate as a tool to control the pressure of inflation in Australia. RBA targets to keep the inflation rate in and around 2% to 3%. This refers to the monetary policy followed by RBA. RBA’s monetary policy also includes curbing unemployment rate and assuring a stable economic growth of the country as its other objectives. When the inflation rate goes beyond the target of RBA, the cash rate is enhanced. Otherwise RBA tries to reduce the cash rate when it feels that inflation is not posing a great threat and Australia can have a faster economic growth. RBA regulates the monetary policy of Australia by setting up the lending rates on loans available in the money market on an overnight basis. These rates of interest set by RBA have an influence on the rest of the interest rates in Australian economy. Subsequently it has an effect on how the

Friday, October 18, 2019

CUlture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

CUlture - Essay Example Having announced free primary education in 1998, the government allocated a quarter of its budget to financing this venture and yet this was not enough to see it into completion. A continually escalating national debt and structural reliance on its richer neighbors, specifically, South Africa, are factors that have seen Lesotho engulfed in the present quagmire. In the Brazilian case as expounded upon by Nancy Scheper Hughes in her revealing testimonial of the excesses of shanty life, mothers seem to embrace almost fatalistic attitudes based on retrogressive cultural practices (Hughes, p.364). People seem to believe that evil spirits cause diseases (Hughes, p.366). Mothers refer to these illnesses as though they are caused by factors beyond their capacity to control and expect to be at the mercy of curable diseases. This is an example of one of the common ways that culture can be harmful to those who practice it. She also documents how mothers and older women claim that there exist fourteen to twenty one various types of child and infant illnesses, with systems ranging from a ‘hanging head and sickly pallor to a reluctance to suckle (Hughes, p.368). These ill-informed people can actually affect psychological systems of precociousness in a young or prospective mother who is encumbered with the fear that her child will be a victim of at least one of these diseases. In the Brazilian case, the poverty of these wretched mothers obviously contributes to their fatalistic view of life as far as their children are concerned. Unable to provide not only for their needs but also for their young, they adopt an unusual resignation to the harsh realities of shanty life and search for ways within themselves to accept inevitable death as normality. The church and its teachings as concerns the next life fits snuggly into this confusion as mothers

Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 5

Finance - Essay Example (Annecy, n.d. Annecy Bid 2018.) Ticket sales are the highest in Pyeongchang. After that comes Munich. The difference between Munich projection and Pyeongchang projection has reached the point of $56.122 million dollars. Sponsorship includes TDP and Local Sponsorship. He highest sum of money goes for Annecy. This company is known to contribute up to $940.673 million into sponsorship. A second company in the list is Munich Company. It was estimated that the overall income of this company has reached the point of $762.340 million dollars. Consequently, if to review this company in terms of sponsorship, Annecy can be regarded as the most favorable contestants for Olympics. ( Munich, n.d. Munich Olympic Bid 2018) Third criterion to be viewed in this paper is licensing. When to review companies from the point of view of licensing, I can definitely say that the most â€Å"earning† city in the list is Annecy. This city is able to give the revenue from licensing which totals $51.15 million dollars. A second company in the list is Pyeonchang. This company earns as much as $43.6 million dollars. Consequently, a conclusion can be made that in terms of licensing and in terms of revenue potential Annecy occupies the first place in the list. On the basis of the analysis above we would conclude that Annecy is able to project the highest revenue which totaled to $2,049.750 million dollars. Therefore, we can consider Annecy as the most suitable candidate for hosting the Olympics. (Munich, n.d. Munich Olympic Bid 2018) The expenditure table indicates that the total expenditures projected by Annecy are on the higher side and the expenditures of Munich are on the lower side. The only minus is a relatively high amount of money needed to finance workforce in Annecy. Here the expenses on the work force proved to be higher as compared to the other cities. The expenses incurred by Annecy are higher than then of Munich what

Thursday, October 17, 2019

U.S. Adopting the International Financial Reporting Standards Research Paper

U.S. Adopting the International Financial Reporting Standards - Research Paper Example Both US GAAP and the IFRS serve the same purpose of providing relevant financial information to the users of it, the only difference being in the objectives for which they operate. The US GAAP has separate sets of objectives for business firms and non business users while the IFRS has the same sole objective for all of it users. The following paper examines the pros and cons of the IFRS standards which is about to be implemented in the United States and tries to establish which one of the two is better from the overall perspective (IFRSUSA, 2011). The US GAAP based accounting system is based on a rule based method of accounting which might have both advantages as well as disadvantages. However, when compared to the IFRS method of accounting practice, the GAAP principle is more of a strictly controlled approach which requires that each transaction is recorded as per the rule stated for its accounting even if such maintenance might be misleading and does not allow for comparison between various industries even if the type of transactions are similar. GAAP accounting also increases the risk of non compliance of the stated rules of accounting because it is extremely difficult to defend your position whenever a GAAP rule is not followed. IFRS might be based on principles of accounting rather than stated rules mandated to be followed. This format certainly has more advantages associated with accounting practices more because principles provide a base for a basis of accounting allowing the freedom to companies to choose from among the best way of accounts maintenance possible. Defined and clarified principles allow for a more clear way of accounting and reporting transactions such that making comparisons between companies and similar transactions is facilitated. Such principle basis does not differentiate based on industries and also allows companies to defend their accounting reporting

Technical-rational approaches to organisation have little relevance to Coursework

Technical-rational approaches to organisation have little relevance to managers in the current business environment. Discuss - Coursework Example The technical-rational approach to organizations is the process of reducing actual practices to a set of particular competencies and revising and practicing them regularly for the purpose of learning and assessment. A technical-rational approach to organization identifies core competencies and then tries to build an environment supporting exchange of knowledge and a system that can measure performance and ensure quality. Technical-rational approach is a part of the classical school and scientific management and is often regarded as the bureaucratic organization studies. It is called so because people in organizations have a defined set of tasks and responsibilities. Moreover, organizations also have hierarchical structures of reporting in the classical approach, which means that employees report to one another and can also have management responsibilities. Each organization have their own set of rules and procedures for the completion of tasks, and the position of all the employees d epends on their abilities and are judged on merit. Another important aspect of technical-rational approach to organizational studies is that all the employees are supposed to act in an impartial and unemotional manner with the well-being and goal fulfilment acting as the motivation. The economic growth along with increasing number of organizations also resulted in increasing the technical-rational approaches towards organization. As organizations continued to grow and expand in all directions, the number of jobs also increased as well as the requirement for specialized people expert in a single particular area. While the technical-rational approach to organizations gained tremendous popularity, it also had a number of disadvantages with a major one being the fact that employees would not be as effective if they perceive the rules and procedures as

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

U.S. Adopting the International Financial Reporting Standards Research Paper

U.S. Adopting the International Financial Reporting Standards - Research Paper Example Both US GAAP and the IFRS serve the same purpose of providing relevant financial information to the users of it, the only difference being in the objectives for which they operate. The US GAAP has separate sets of objectives for business firms and non business users while the IFRS has the same sole objective for all of it users. The following paper examines the pros and cons of the IFRS standards which is about to be implemented in the United States and tries to establish which one of the two is better from the overall perspective (IFRSUSA, 2011). The US GAAP based accounting system is based on a rule based method of accounting which might have both advantages as well as disadvantages. However, when compared to the IFRS method of accounting practice, the GAAP principle is more of a strictly controlled approach which requires that each transaction is recorded as per the rule stated for its accounting even if such maintenance might be misleading and does not allow for comparison between various industries even if the type of transactions are similar. GAAP accounting also increases the risk of non compliance of the stated rules of accounting because it is extremely difficult to defend your position whenever a GAAP rule is not followed. IFRS might be based on principles of accounting rather than stated rules mandated to be followed. This format certainly has more advantages associated with accounting practices more because principles provide a base for a basis of accounting allowing the freedom to companies to choose from among the best way of accounts maintenance possible. Defined and clarified principles allow for a more clear way of accounting and reporting transactions such that making comparisons between companies and similar transactions is facilitated. Such principle basis does not differentiate based on industries and also allows companies to defend their accounting reporting

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

An Ethical Dilemma for a professional Nurse Research Paper

An Ethical Dilemma for a professional Nurse - Research Paper Example Mrs. A. played the role Sherwin (1992), postulated she would when facing similar troubling ethical issue, in that she displayed an emphatic form of reasoning which propel her to seek an innovative way out of the problem, so that both parties benefit. She chose not to have the child in order to please her husband, who she believed deserve the promotion, so that in the end she is happy that he is happy. They achieved what Oberle and Bouchal (2009) called mutuality, in that both receive benefits, but this was at the expense of the unborn child, the wishes of their parents and the nurse administering support to them. The expulsion or removal of the fetus from the womb of a woman or abortion has been the subject of discussion for thousands of years, especially with regard to its ethicality, and has culminated into a divide where many professes to be either pro life or pro-choice, depending on the type of moral lens they are wearing, a significant percentage of the population be hold the m iddle ground or neutral status, sometimes for political reasons. Abortion has become a troubling moral issue in the lives of people especially in America, despite the (Rowe vs. Wade 1973) landmark ruling which have women the option to be pro-choice, because of the role of members of the American Medical Association has played in the early years according to The National Abortion Federation (2011). The organization sought to lobby the government to make the practice illegal. They achieved what Oberle and Bouchal.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Psychology Essay Essay Example for Free

Psychology Essay Essay Omkar Kawade Charles Ramskov Psychology Essay Perception can be defined as the process of how an organism interprets a sensation. Many psychologists studied different types of perception, such as Constructive Perception (top-down) that was studied by Rock, Neisser, and Gregory. Another approach of perception was the Direct / Ecological (bottom up) which was studied by Gibson. Constructive (top down) perception is an active and deductive reasoning process. It is seen as an obstacle, object, or any matter that changes your perspective of its view. The way you view the object can be in any matter, but usually it connects back to a memory or an experience that you have had before. For example, a person called Eddie is an active user of a social network called Facebook, in which he has many friends, and talks to them very often. In this chat, he uses emoticons that are made up of keyboard functions such as colon and parenthesis â€Å" 🙂 â€Å". If you take this emoticon and rotate it, you will see a smiley face. When Eddie sees this arrangement of keyboard functions, he sees a smiley face. However, Kevin, a person who has no social interaction through the computer and/or Internet, sees this simply as a colon placed next to a right parenthesis sign. Direct Ecological (bottom up) perception is an inductive reasoning process. Gibson stated his theory of bottom up perception was basically visual perception and the information needed was available from the proximal stimulus that was produced by the distal stimulus. In this case, the example is that Kevin looks at the emoticon and sees only a colon and right parenthesis, but to furthermore find more perception in this symbol, top down perception is needed. Bottom up perception is the visual environmental view of what we see and how we interpret and distinguish certain things apart from each other, while top down perception is how we furthermore establish a different meaning for i t.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Seventh Day Adventist Experience Religion Essay

Seventh Day Adventist Experience Religion Essay From the very beginning of time many people have asked the same questions: Who am I. Why do I exist. Is there someone or something above us that created it all? Humankind has wondered about God or a supernatural higher authority thru ought history. And since that time cultures and countries have developed their own beliefs and opinions on what is religion and God. From ancient sacred indigenous religions to present day contemporary practices, many religions contain similar basic traditions and beliefs, but yet there are so many sects of the religion and many different followings. From polytheistic beliefs to monotheistic views people have chosen their path based to what best suites their personal self. When focusing on a certain popular worldwide religion such as Christianity you may get lost in all the many diverse teachings and sects. In all these so called Christian denominations you can find teaching from the scripture The Holy Bible being translated in many different perspective views. From theology to soteriology to theodicy and bibliology each denominations chooses its own teachings. There are multiple examples to list , one being many Christian sects that believe in God, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, but look at all of those parts of spirituality differently. They range from the very conservative to so called liberal denominations. Even though all Christians read and follow the teachings from the same sacred text The Holy Bible it all comes down to how their bibliology is translated. The theology of the Seventh-day Adventist is similar to Protestant Christian teachings like the infallibility of Scripture. Typical teachings include the unconscious state of the dead and the doctrine of an explanatory judgment. The church is also known for its stress on diet and health, its encouragement of religious liberty, and its conservative principles and lifestyle. (Wilson 4) Seventh Day Adventists were founded by a group of leaders William Miller, S. S. Snow, Joseph Bates, James White, Mrs. Ellen G. White. Ellen G. White has written some books that the Seventh Day Adventists follow up on. Adventists recognize her as the Lords messenger. Her writings are a continuing source of truth which provide for the church comfort, guidance, instruction, and correction which are listed in the 28 Fundamental Beliefs. Some of the 28 fundamental beliefs are the following; belief in Trinity, Life death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, Experience of salvation, Unity in the body of Christ, Baptism in full water submersion, lords supper, Spiritual Gifts and ministries, And most important keeping the Sabbath. ( Wilson 1) The sacred scripture that the Seventh Day Adventists use is Holy Bible. They focus on the Old Testament mainly for their doctrinal laws, and use New Testament to follow up those scriptures. Unlike many other Christian denominations the Seventh Day Adventists are very strict on what they believe in. When it comes to salvation the Seventh day Adventist believe that one has to believe by faith that Jesus Christ Is lord and savior and that he paid the penalty on the cross from remission of all sins. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10:9-10) There are two strong doctrines that the Seventh Day Adventist stress on wich is the returning of the messiah, and keeping the Sabbath holy. Throughout the history of their religion there have been many attempts of individual leaders who proclaimed the day of the revival of the lord. Trial after trial they have failed, but still to this day have hope in the day of their return of the savoir Jesus. When it comes to keeping the Sabbath, they believe that Saturday is a holy day and no labor is to be done from Fri night to Saturday. Due to the Old Testament scriptures when God said he rested on the 7th day after creation. Like most Christian denominations the Seventh Day Adventists believe in final judgment day, where every human being will be judged on how they lived their life on this earth. Then the outcome of their judgment will decide where they will prolong their eternal life in hell or in heaven. My journey starts at the Slavic Seventh Day Adventists in Fort Myers. The church service was on Friday evening and it was located in Ft. Myers Florida where my co workers friend lives and attends service regularly. As I soon found out there are many different rules that apply to dress codes as well as codes of behavior, and even though in a sense this particular division or sect of Christianity has the same basic principles as the church I grew up in there are many marked differences. The first rule that I was introduced to was, that after sunset on Friday night through sunset of Saturday night, no work is to be done, nothing is cooked or cleaned and there is only limited driving is allowed. The Seventh Day Adventist observe the Sabbath and treat it with respect as the day God rested and this is a time for worship and prayer as a family as well as the attending of church services on Friday night and Saturday morning. The family that opened their home for me took me to a Friday night prayer and worship service at their local church, and in fact it was near the home so the family and I walked to service. The females in the family were required to wear long skirts as this is the proper attire for the women of this religion, many of the women do not ever wear pants and shorts for recreational purposes. Now this I thought was really weird and out of date. The no pants rule was actually a little odd for me seeing as I never knew that there was a part of the Bible that disagreed with women wearing pants, but the father of the family pointed out to me that in the bible there is in fact a statement about women wearing mens clothing A woman must not wear mens clothing, nor a man wear womens clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this. (KJV, Deuteronomy 22:5). ). I always thought the Deuteronomy verse was actually talking about women taking on the roles of men and vice versa, however the Ad ventists believe that this is a clear cut rule about dress code. This is just one of the many strict rules they follow. The other requirement that I had a hard time understanding was when the females had to wear head covering, since most women who are married or have children are asked to wear a head covering as a sign of respect to God or their spouse. Thank God we men dont have to wear covering on the head, it looked very uncomfortable. Although I personally believe that the wifes submission to a husband is a necessary but no to a part of religion on closeness with God, but although its odd and uncomfortable for me to see this, it seemed disrespectful to disregard their sense of tradition and faith, because they believe it is sinful for a women to have her head uncovered. Once we entered the sanctuary it was obvious that there were a couple differences there as well. To my surprise the men and the women were sitting on separate sides of the church, even though most of them were married couples. So I was expected to sit on the male side of the church. This again was a little off-putting to me since I was not brought up to see a spiritual difference in the sex of an individual, and I was always taught that we are all created equal in the eyes of the Lord. I was unsure of why exactly the men and the women were separated. But then one individual told me that this was to keep the sanctity of the church and to not tempt people. I still do not understand what the temptation is, but perhaps it is to keep people focused on the message and not on who is sitting next to them. The service itself was very peaceful and mellow. It was a little more serious than what I expected it to be. When it came time for the congregation to sing, I was expecting some loud jamming praise of what I am used to. But to my surprise the congregation stood up and started to sing old, traditional hymns. Now I have not heard such songs in my life before, their lyrics were true and really inspiring. They brought peace to my soul and had tremendous meaning. To my surprise I actually enjoyed their melodious sonnets. Now when it came to the final sermon I was preparing myself for an uplifting prosperity sermon. But once again as the preacher walked up to the pulpit and his face seemed to have humble serious look. His facial emotion made me feel very awkward and curious on what he was about to say. And then he began to preach. Wow was I in for a surprise! His topic was on the lackness of spiritual foundation is our lives. And then he went on convicting individuals on their sins. I felt as if he was preaching Fire and Brimstone like a dooms day type of sermons as if the whole congregation was going to hell. Now as I was intensely listening to the sermon, I started to realize that hes been preaching for almost an hour. This I am not used to at all, most sermons Ive listened to were at most 20 minutes long. After all it was a crazy new experience for me. This made me question a lot of other sermons that are being preached in allot of contemporary liberal churches today. The worship and sermon was then followed by a couple long prayers. Now when prayer comes to my mind, I picture standing up or sitting down praying easy short straight to the point prayers. Well not in this case. Many of the elders and pastors each had a minute to offer their own prayer out loud. I kneeling their on my knees praying to God to have them finish faster because my knees where going numb. The prayers were interesting in the sense that people were weeping out loud, something I am not used to since the worship and prayer services I have been exposed to, were always happy and excited. During prayer every member of the congregation was expected to be kneeled on their knees, which remarkable was very interesting to me, to see the united front they presented in prayer, there were young and old from babies to grandmas, kneeling in prayer together. Now this set a whole new idea of prayer in my mind. The prayer went on for probably fifteen minutes, which felt like a whole day. Now to end the service the whole congregation chanted the Lords Prayer. Our father in heavenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ ect. This I found interesting due to the fact that I never had the experience of praying the prayer in a church with all the members out loud. After service there was a little bit of conversation amongst the people of the congregation, and many of them were very happy to provide me with additional information, and answer my questions in regards to their religion. One of the biggest questions I had was why they choose to follow the old testament more than the newer testament as many of the other churches do. Which one of the elder brothers replied If God wanted only the New Testament to be observed he would have found a way to eliminate the Old Testament first, but as it is there are both there for you cannot understand the power of one without the other. The Old Testament was given by God himself to the people and it was expected to be observed and respected, and that without this beginning there would be no New Testament to follow.(Brother Vasily). This was very interesting to me since in all honesty I was not one to pay much attention to that part of the Bible, but in a sense it was understandable where he was coming from. The Old Testament gives people one clear cut way of doing things, whether staying away from unclean foods, to following certain dress codes, it is a spelled out way to follow God. It is definitely different from what I wa s taught, but it was interesting to see this belief system span generations with little regard to what other people may think or say. It was amazing to be able to ask individuals that follow these set of beliefs. My questions pertaining to the world around them even simple things such as diet. They believe in Kosher to follow the decryption of clean versus unclean animals. Even the topic of family and children was interesting to discuss since in this day and age most churches do not control or even necessarily disregard smaller families or family planning. But in the religious view points of the Adventists there should be no control from the peoples end and that each child is a blessing that should be welcomed and accepted as a gift from God. In other words they dont believe in use of protection in sex. Some individuals go as far as saying that through the birth of children the women is saved or blessed from her past transgressions, this statement kind of made me wonder about the true belief in the forgiveness and life through Christ. The other topic of religious difference that I was interested in is communion and baptism, since in the church I grew up in these were traditional parts that involved all people considered born again. This of course was different as well since the church community I was part of strongly believes that children under the age of eighteen should not participate in the water baptism and communion since they are not truly adults and are in a sense still under the covering of their parents. This religious experience was incredibly different from what I grew up with and what I am accustomed to. The church I grew up in was considered Non-Denominational, where I was also taught about the Holy Trinity and about being saved through Jesus. However the church I was brought up in centered its teaching on the New Testament, so the Sabbath was not a much more important day than any other. Instead Sunday was the holy day. The other large difference was that there were no rules as far as worship was concerned; there was no solemn prayer or a serious undertone which is what I experienced in the Friday service at the Adventist church. Worship in the church was exposed to be a happy occasion with clapping, dancing, laughter and banner waving, these were all considered to be typed of worship and a way to appreciate and come closer to God. From the Adventist point of view however, this show is not only unnecessary but inappropriate in the House Of God, it was considered disrespectful if someone were to laugh out loud or shout, and instead quiet and poised respect was encouraged, almost like a respect for the higher authority. The other big difference for me was that in the church I grew up in it was considered an individuals choice to become baptized or participate in communion as soon as they were able to distinguish being born again and what sin is. This experience was a good one for me to step out of my comfort zone and realize that although the church and religion my coo workers friend followed is considered in a sense a type of Christianity it was as though I stepped into a different world. There is a lot of tradition and strict sense of family, God and respect, in the Adventist church, and perhaps this was an atypical experience since it was at a Slavic division. But it was interesting to see how people who in a sense believe in the same God as the Baptists, Lutherans, Methodist, Pentecostals and many other Protestants believe in, have a completely different interpretation of what this God so expecting ad even desiring from him followers. And although this is not the religion I was able to make a personal connection with, the people of the church I visited were very gracious and even enthusiastic to show me their ways and views of God and religion. They were very welcoming to discussion as well as questions that I had toward s them. It was amazing to see that within one large group of religion such as Christianity, there are so many subgroups with differences that go from mild to drastic.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Kitchen Gods Wife and The Bingo Palace :: comparison compare contrast essays

Mythology, Luck, and Fate in The Kitchen God's Wife and The Bingo Palace  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   In Amy Tan's novel, The Kitchen God's Wife, the author weaves Chinese mythology and beliefs through a woman's struggle to explain and come to terms with her harrowing past, to her American daughter, Pearl. Aside from the horror invoked by Winnie's tale of her life in Pre-Communist/Feudal China, the thing that struck me the most about this book was how often the themes of luck and fate crop up in the story. I often found that Winnie reminded me of the character Lipsha from Louise Erdrich's novel, The Bingo Palace in that both characters seemed to believe that their lives were controlled more by luck/fate than by their own will. While the similarities between the two books do exist, they are very different stories dealing with two cultures far removed from each other in location, beliefs and ways of life. I decided that for this paper, it would be interesting to look at how the ideas of mythology, luck and fate pertain to the culture of the Chinese and Native Americans in these two books. I would also like to look at how Asian Americans and Native Americans assimilate and change their cultural beliefs and practices into the larger "culture" of the United States. The Oxford Dictionary defines fate as: "1 a power regarded as predetermining events unalterably. 2 a the future regarded as determined by such a power. b an individual's appointed lot. C the ultimate condition or end of a person or thing (that sealed our fate)". The aspect of the story that especially stood out for me was the way in which Winnie chalked up everything that happened to her, good and bad, to the state of her luck at the time. It seems as if Winnie believed that she was fated to have bad luck from beginning of her life because of her mother. She tells of her mother marrying into a family where she became the "double second wife" which means she replaced the first "second" wife who had died. Replacing a dead wife was believed to put a woman into a bad-luck position, so perhaps Winnie believed she had inherited her bad luck from her mother and was "doomed" from birth. Winnie even attributes her horrible marriage to Wen Fu as a result of her bad luck.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Literature: Evaluate Literary Texts in Different Genres Essay

In the novel Regeneration the theme of heroism is quite prominent. There are many characters that are heroic and are revealed to be heroic through the narrative. One of these characters is Dr Rivers. He is the main protagonist in the novel and it is through his personal journey that the story is told. The omniscient narrator is a key element of the story telling; we find out what each of the characters are thinking and feeling without them having to spell it out with dialogue. This is a good way for the reader to understand more about each character than they are willing to give away to each other. Rivers’ journey can be shown through his struggles with his duty and his strong values about honour. His heroism comes to the fore metaphorically as he reaches the conclusion to carry on helping his patients even after he has realised that not everyone can be ‘fixed’. His heroism is also shown literally when he risks his own life against the rising tide to save the life of David Burns from suicide by drowning. Rivers compares himself to Dr Yealland, looking at his work and seeing the results that Yealland can achieve in such a short space of time. Rivers sees his own method as doing his duty; to send the men back to the war front ‘better’ and ready to fight. Yealland’s methods are cruel and sadistic, but they also work, they make the men able to fight again. So in theory he is doing his duty as well. It is this juxtaposition between his own methods and Yealland’s that Rivers has problems with. He shows us, however, that just because his methods take longer and are less cruel, that he is showing some elements of caring for his patients that are more like a father figure would. It takes a lot more strength to send a now mentally stable man back into the chaos and craziness of war when you care about them and their welfare. Rivers says ‘obviously he and Yealland were both in the business of controlling people. Each of them fitted young men back into the role of warrior, a role that they had – however unconsciously – rejected’, (chapter 22, page 238). His journey to the conclusion that he did in fact help people, no matter what his feelings about the war and the paradoxes it draws, is shown by Barker as heroism. It is reflected in his actual act of heroism; one that comes at the end of a novel filled with him being unwell and mentally questioning himself and his actions. It shows that he can both be physically and mentally heroic and that he was never a weak or cowardly man. His dedication to his work and his sense of duty is seen when Graves says ‘When you put the uniform on, in   effect you sign a contract. And you don’t back out of a contract merely because you’ve changed your mind’, (chapter 3, page 23) Rivers agrees with Graves, he says ‘I couldn’t agree with you more’, but he also sees that the best way to stand up for your principles is to ‘do the job’ and change people’s minds in a different way. Pat Barker has in her novel used a heroic yet gentle and caring protagonist that reflects her personal understanding of the war and its effects on her grandfather who fought in the First World War. She could see how the war had affected him and used this knowledge and understanding in a very poetic and moving way within the novel. Her patients are all deeply troubled and even Dr Rivers himself. Using this very human and relatable way of portrayal she makes the character of Rivers very believable and sympathetic. The empathy of the audience and the hope that he will be able to ‘fix’ himself as well as ‘fixing’ his patients is what makes the novel compelling and intense. Her way of writing is very subtle and lyrical. There are moments when you lose yourself completely in the images in your head. The visions of the trenches throughout the text are very memorable. Seeing the halls of Craiglockhart as trenches, with ‘the long narrow passage with its double row of brown doors and the absence of natural light. ‘Like a trench without the sky.’’ (chapter 2, page 17) is symbolic of Rivers’ views about wishing he could see the front again, ‘Rivers pulled the curtains to, and settled down to sleep, wishing, not for the first time, that he was young enough for France.’ (chapter 9, page 108). The symbolism and imagery of the trenches is also about how trenches are in fact just the massive graves of the young men killed in battle, where other soldiers have to live and breathe there in the open graves of others. When Prior, after being hypnotised, recalls what he was repressing and it was cleaning up the trench after his patrol was killed, Rivers says to him ‘You did your duty. You’ve nothing to reproach yourself with. You even finished cleaning the trench’, (chapter 9, page 105), it pulls both elements together: The trenches and the idea of duty and honour above breaking down and being weak. Rivers’ beliefs about duty and honour are tested when he questions himself, especially after seeing Yealland’s work. He believes that the way Yealland works is too emotionally and physically sadistic, too cruel to be of lasting help and concludes that his own way of working is better as it exerts no control over the patient but allows the patient to control their own recovery. Rivers’ heroism is that he rejects Yeallands ideals and remains a good doctor, who helps people and he can feel proud and good about the methods he uses and the people he has saved. He gets from Head the reassurance he needed when he felt guilty about Sassoon’s decision to go back to the war. Head says ‘You and Yealland doing essentially the same thing. Good God, man, if you really believe that it’s the first sign of dementia,’ and ‘get it clear whose decision it was that he went back’, (chapter 23, page 240-241). Sassoons decision calls into question the definition of madness for Rivers. Is Sassoon mad for wanting not to fight, against all honour and duty? He decides to go back to be with his men that need him, not to make a stand about the war, but if he were to, that would be the better way to do it, rather than rebelling. Rivers questions whether he himself is mad, for sending broken men that he’s ‘cured’ back to the front to face death again. The question of duty and honour is not black and white in war time. The heroism that Rivers shows is in accepting the fact that war cannot be stopped, and making any difference that he can is worth it because he can sleep easily at night knowing that he saves lives.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

British Responsibility After 1763

By around the turn of 1760s decade a great controversy arose in the British parliament over whether to maintain the sugar colonies of the Atlantic Caribbean Islands and forfeit Canada or vice versa. The later had the advantage of a wealthy fur trade, while as mentioned the former was promising in the sugar industry. However, all ended in 1763 by the historic signing of the Peace of Paris which saw the proponents of the Canadian option win. Going by the terms of the treaty, Britain was to benefit from all colonies of North America formerly under France.The regions to the east of Mississippi down to Florida (acquired from Spain) were also declared a British possession as per the terms of the treaty. In as much as the treaty favored Britain, it is important to realize that the cost of maintaining her possession in this area was in turn inflated. The expenses of maintaining, governing and also defending imperial wealthy had a negative impact on the economy of the Britons. This realizatio n had in contrast to the expectation of British policy makers who had thought that the American colonies will be self sustaining.It became expensive for the government of UK to maintain the defense troops in the Canadian soil. Therefore in response the government budgeted to maintain about 8000 troops in North America alone and this was to be maintained by an allotment of the cost of ? 400000. This responsibility proved a burden to the royal government which was already being overburdened by its defense and war plans. Following this, measures to increase revenue were taken and by the following year (1764) George Grenville, prime minister then, introduced an act in parliament, dubbed the sugar act aimed at spreading the burden of empirial maintenance to colonies.As expected the colonialists rose in protest against these measures because they envisioned them as a shifted burden. The French and Indian wars provided a major lesson upon which the British ministry based its policy making in the process of quelling the North American Indians. The Indians who were now becoming a nuisance to the British ministry maintained that that the Ohio state belonged to them. After 1763 the rising resentments in the Ohio prompted the British government to ban settlement in the region to the west of the Appalachians.Dominion Status: Before the year 1763, the empire meant nothing more than a trade region. It provided a wider market and also a source of valuables such as fur from India and Canada, rubber from Liberia of West Africa and sugar from the Caribbean. However, after 1763 it signified dominion as well. The acquisition of empire never came with massive wealthy acquisition as might have been expected. As previously mentioned it brought with it an array of problems in the areas of defense, administration and even finance.The aftermath of the seven years of war (1756-1763) the administration of the empire and ministers back in England agreed unanimously the supremacy of the leg islative parliament should be elevetated to have powers to repeal laws of the empire at large. In addition to this, the strong relation in the empire should be strengthened to facilitate the colonial empire to pay for their maintenance. Augmentation of Imperial Army in Ireland: The imperial ideas of the government back in London were clearly envisaged in the proposition by the British parliament to augment Ireland based army.However, with effect of 1763 there arose a problem in the ‘garrison’ and maintenance of the army, especially in the far away colonies. According to the ministers of the government in London, Ireland had the least opportunity of providing soldiers and recruits to the imperial army. The period between 1763 and 1767 saw the empirial demand for soldiers increase and therefore a quick source for more soldiers had to be sought. The British general who was to approach Ireland to supply extra soldiers had in mind that any indirect rule through Ireland offic ials would not by any means succeed.This conclusion by Townsend was as a result of a long and protracted persuasion of the Irish parliament to accept on the proposal to release recruits to the colonial empire. It was clear that any colonial indirect rule through Irish governors had to be discarded and replaced by the colonial official from England. This last proposal was accepted by the Irish parliament. However, the new system only came with increased responsibilities in terms of military regiments after 1763. French and Indian War: The French and Indian wars brought about policy changes in the ministry back in England.The American revolution of 1760 was sparked off by this policy which had its major aim to collect taxes for the empirical governance. Others still suggest that Quebec Act, which was followed by the proclamation of 1763, the issue of the stamp act, Townsend activities and duties and also the tea act of Bolton are seen as the major contributor to the rapid turn of even ts by the British towards the governance of the empire. Others on this least are the major wars against Indians and France, which are said to have financially affected the British ministry.These issues defined the British approach in the vast North American colony from 1763 to the final dismal of the North American by the independence of America in 1776. Quebec Act of 1774: This act was meant to increase the civil governance in the newly acquired colonies of North America, but as it turned out the act provided in some way for the extension of the territory under the Quebec government to western side, a territory that had been relinquished by the France in 1763. It therefore meant that the act violated the rights the colonists back in Canada considered their natural birthright.References: 1. Anderson, Fred. Crucible of War: The Seven Years' War and the Fate of Empire in British North America, 1754–1766. New York: Knopf, 2000. 2. Marshal, Peter. British Empire: The Cambridge il lustrated history of the British Empire, Cambrigde University Press, 1999. 3. Cootes, John. Britain since 1700: Longman Secondary Histories, Longman Group Ltd, 1968. 4. Raimo, John W. Biographical Directory of American Colonial and Revolutionary Governors, 1607-1789. Westport, Conn. : Meckler, Books, 1980.

Jekyll And Hyde The Musical Essay

The play was preformed in Bristol Hippodrome on the 11th May. The musical was about a doctor, Jekyll, who wants to see the other side of a person’s soul. He believed that in every person there is a darker side, the opposite of a person’s soul. He believes he has way of seeing this other person. He has an experiment that will enable him to do so but people won’t listen to him and knock back his ideas. After his idea being rejected he decides what to do. He takes the potion, and from it emerges as his other double side, Hyde. Hyde is the opposite of Jekyll, and is a cold-blooded murderer. Jekyll and Hyde both know about each other and as Hyde finds out about Lucy he plans to do something about it. Jekyll can’t control Hyde as Hyde forms a strong part of him. Throughout Hyde, kills people, one of which includes Lucy, a prostitute whom Jekyll had formed a friendship with. At the ending as Jekyll is about to marry Lisa, he makes himself get shot to end Hyde ever coming back. The main character in the play played both parts of Jekyll and Hyde. Whilst he was playing Jekyll, his appearance was smart and clean, whereas when he turned into Hyde his appearance was rough and sinister looking. Jekyll’s personality was kind and he was a gentle man. Hyde was his other side, being Vulgar and violent. Lisa was Jekyll’s fiancà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½e and was one of the only people whom listened to Jekyll. At the start they appeared to have a close relationship but as Jekyll turned into Hyde they became more distant, also this occurred when Jekyll met Lucy. Lucy was a prostitute who although seemed confident there was times when she showed her vulnerability and longing to go away from her life. When she met Jekyll, he was different and treated her with respects unlike all the other men. She falls in love with him, but as Hyde finds out about her he then kills her. The other characters in the play treat Jekyll as if he is just a doctor who has mad ideas but not worth the time to listen too. Hyde meanwhile makes people listen to him, right before he kills them. Jekyll’s relationship to other characters is distant apart from his fiancà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½e Lisa. Also when he meets Lucy, he is kind to her and they form a connection. Hyde doesn’t care about anybody. But when he finds out about Lucy, he makes himself involved with her. At the end Hyde visits Lucy and kills her. Throughout the play Jekyll constantly changes into Hyde, and as the play progressed the transformation was sudden and at the end the change between them was every second or two as they spoke to each other before transforming. He changes throughout the play because of the potion’s effect and he changes without his consent, as Hyde starts to overpower him. There were contrasts between pace between and within scenes. These occurred when Hyde would emerge from Jekyll or the suddenness of the next scene change. The effect this created was to make the scene more alive with what the characters were feeling and what the situation was about. Some changes of paced were specifically linked to characters such as Hyde’s would be loud and lively whereas Jekyll’s would be more calm and quiet. The changes in pace added to the tension. The set was made up of one floor, which was changed into a bar, a street scene and mostly Jekyll’s laboratory. Then there were two flights of stairs leading to another floor, like a balcony. Both of the floors were used for different parts of the play. When Hyde killed a man on the top floor he would drop down onto the next one. There was a number of exists. The set was mostly dark colours but between the scenes the mood of the set could change. The colours were made lighter for the scene in the bar but darker for Jekyll changing into Hyde. The lightning added to the effect of the different atmospheres of the scenes. The effects used when Jekyll and Hyde were changing straight after one another were the lightning would swirl and for Jekyll a calm, good blue colour whereas Hyde had a blood red colour. It showed the contrast between the two characters. When Hyde first came and was in Jekyll’s room, the lightning used was Hyde hitting a table and the candle on it light up and the lightning was more dramatic and the music was rushed. When something dramatic happened the lighting would add to this by bright colours and the fastness of it. The lights had patterns on them, which showed, as well as the colours, what the action mood was. When it was calmer such as Jekyll it would be softer. The music used were suited to the part of the play it accompanied, such as when Hyde was on a killing spree the music was fast and dramatic. The opposite to when Jekyll was with Lisa or Lucy. Obviously as this play was a musical the words spoken would be a song about how that character was feeling or what was happening in that event of the play. The sound and music produced an atmosphere as it expressed clearly people’s emotions as to what was happening. One of the best moments was when Lucy and Lisa sang together. They both had feelings for Jekyll and combined them into one song with each other. The costumes of the characters were suited to them. Jekyll was smart and organised looking whereas Hyde was scruffy and threatening. Lucy’s was suited to her but when she met Jekyll she changed a bit as she had feelings for him. When Hyde kept changing more frequently it affected Jekyll’s appearance, as Jekyll seemed more worried his appearance would be nervous. The overall success of the play was good. There were some scenes which were better than others, Lucy and Lisa singing together, which lifted the play and improved it. There were parts of the play, Hyde first emerging from Jekyll, which also added to the feeling of the play. The main characters of the play stayed in character and played their parts well.