Monday, February 24, 2020

Friedrich Nietzsche, details of more specifics below Essay

Friedrich Nietzsche, details of more specifics below - Essay Example After an encounter with the war front in Frankfurt, Nietzsche observed: â€Å"I felt for the first time that the strongest and highest Will to Life does not find expression in a miserable struggle for existence, but in a Will to War, a Will to Power, a Will to Overpower!† (Durant, 406). In the essay â€Å"on Truth and Lies in a Non-Moral Sense†, Nietzsche develops this idea of human existence and survival in relation to the concept of the deceptive nature of truth, or reality, in the time-space configuration they inhabit. The essay begins with a putative reference to the diminutive, momentary, insignificant nature of the place humans inhabit in this universe, which they ironically perceive to be a gigantic, everlasting, all-consuming one. The nature of truth, when one attempts to perceive it in a hypothetical stance that transcends the here and now is a relative one, always constructed in a subjective conceptual framework. The way in which human intellect perceives truth is never in its entirety, but rather through â€Å"illusions† and â€Å"dream images†. â€Å"[T]heir eye glides only over the surface of things and see â€Å"forms†; their feeling nowhere lead into truth, but contents itself with the reception of stimuli†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . The means through which people try to define truth is also essentially arbitrary. In the attempt to translate sense perceptions to language, the essence of truth is lost, as language is just a means of conveying received wisdom, based on conventions. Thus, Nietzsche’s apprehensive query, â€Å"Is language the adequate expression of all realities?†. All meaning that can be created with the help of language is dependent on some ultimate quality. Language in itself cannot hold truth in its entirety. According to Nietzsche, we obtain concepts like â€Å"honesty† â€Å"by overlooking what is individual and actual†, but there is the

Saturday, February 8, 2020

European culture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

European culture - Research Paper Example Symbols consist of words, gestures, pictures, and objects representing a particular meaning. People sharing the culture only understand the meaning (Bondebjerg, 2004). The research seeks to find out the influence of the historic European culture to the present culture. It will highlight the current culture and matters of art and recreation such as music. The culture of Europe comprise of many overlapping cultures (Bundaberg, 2004). This indicates that now common culture does not exist. European culture passed through a series of events under different groups of people. The Greeks laid the foundations of the modern culture. Romans strengthened it while the Christians established it with the help of the other Europeans. In the fifteenth century, renaissance and reformation reformed and modernized the culture. The European empires that came after reformation globalized the culture. This culture succeeded to influence other cultures of the world through European education and Christianity (Goldstein, & Council of Europe, 2005). Culture consists of many aspects. By grouping similar aspects together, Scholars came up with five main components of culture. They include communication, cognitive component; material component, behavioral aspects, and religious aspects .communication comprise language. Language forms the most important aspect of culture in all cultures. People of the same culture interact and socialize with each other through the language (Goldstein, & Council of Europe, 2005). A symbol is anything used or shown to pass a particular massage or meaning. They vary with cultures although sometime they cut across many cultures. Cognitive component forms the second major aspect of culture. It comprises the ideas, knowledge, beliefs, and values of a particular group of people. Knowledge, considered as the storage of information fact and assumptions passes from generation to generation through formal